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Choral Music

Students perform at the Meadowbrook Winter Sing
The NBJH 7th & 8th grade chorus perform in the gym.
Westmoor students perform at the Winter Sing
Greenbriar students perform at the winter sing
The Something More Choral group of the NB28CC perform outside Wrigley Field.

Elementary Level

The study of choral music is incorporated into the general music program in all of the elementary schools.  All students are offered the opportunity to participate in and experience choral music and performing during the Winter Sing.  Each elementary school produces a fifth-grade musical in the spring.


Abby Blair, Westmoor School Music Teacher
Jeremy Bartunek, Greenbriar Music Teacher
Kathryn Finch, Meadowbrook Music Teacher

Northbrook District 28 Children's Choir

The NB28CC is open to any District 28 student in 1st through 5th grade. Rehearsals take place at Greenbriar School after the school day and there are four different ensemble options for your child. Rehearsals start around 3:40 PM (or once enough students arrive at GB after dismissal and travel from their own school) and last until 4:30 PM (5:00 PM for Something More).  

  • MONDAY - 1st/2nd grade choir 
  • TUESDAY - NB28CC Something More (4th/5th only)
  • WEDNESDAY - Glēo, 3rd-5th graders
  • THURSDAY - Laetus, 3rd-5th graders

  Choir rehearsals will begin on September 5, 2023, and will run through May 16, 2023.   Third-5th grade students can choose whichever choir day works best for their schedule (Wednesday or Thursday).   Additional details: please review the 

 NB28CC Handbook

Junior High Level

At NBJH, we are committed to excellence in the choral arts and celebrate the unique sound of adolescent voices. The goal of the choral program is to educate and equip singers for a lifetime of singing success through exposure to quality choral literature and healthy vocal technique training.

Students have the opportunity to join the 6th Grade Chorus, which meets twice a week during lunch and performs in three school concerts each year. The chorus is open to all sixth-grade students and builds a foundation of singing and performance skills.

Seventh- and eighth-grade students have the opportunity to audition for the Northbrook Junior High Concert Choir. Students in the choir explore a variety of different musical styles and learn advanced multi-part harmonies. 

Anca Apetean, Choral Director

Read More About 6th-Grade Choir

Read More About Concert Choir