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Language Arts Placement

Processes and Identification for Language Arts

Fifth Grade

Each year, all students in fifth grade are evaluated to determine Language Arts placement for sixth grade. Students take a verbal cognitive assessment and the MAP reading assessment. This assessment data, along with classroom performance, are considered to make placement recommendations. Students in advanced courses typically score in the “well above district average” and “exceptional” ranges.

In spring, letters are sent to all fifth-grade families to share the placement decision for their student. Parents/guardians can reach out to the G/T Services Coordinator at their school if they have questions or would like to appeal the placement decision. The appeal deadline will be listed on the placement letter, and any necessary additional testing will be conducted through the end of the school year. Final placement letters will be sent home in June.

Sixth and Seventh Grade

Each winter, parents and teachers can recommend their sixth- and seventh-grade student(s), who are not currently placed in Advanced Language Arts, to be re-evaluated for placement the following year (for seventh or eighth grade). Information and nomination forms will be available on the website in December and the NBJH principal will send reminders in the newsletter.

Typically, students are eligible for re-evaluation if they require significant differentiation and enrichment in their current language arts classroom. A verbal cognitive assessment and the MAP reading assessment are administered to students. This assessment data, along with classroom performance, are considered to make placement recommendations. Students in advanced courses typically score in the “well above district average” and “exceptional” ranges.

In spring, letters are sent to all families of re-evaluated students to share the placement decision. Parents/guardians can reach out to Laura Cohen, G/T Services Coordinator at NBJH, if they have questions or would like to appeal the placement decision. The appeal deadline will be listed on the placement letter, and any necessary additional testing will be conducted through the end of the school year. Final placement letters will be sent home in June.