The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)is a standardized aptitude test that measures a student’s general and specific cognitive abilities. It measures learning, reasoning and problem-solving skills in three areas: verbal, quantitative and nonverbal. The assessment is given to assist in placement for gifted and talented services. Third grade takes the three-part test on verbal, non-verbal and quantitative assessments, fifth grade takes the three-part test on verbal, non-verbal and quantitative assessments. Students in fourth, sixth, and seventh grades may take sections of the CogAT during a review of their math and/or ELA course placement. Please visit placement information on processes and identification for math and placement information for English Language Arts on our Gifted and Talented web pages for more details.
Please view the CogAT FAQ for additional information about the assessment.
CogAT Parent Resource: How to Support your Learner
Overview of CogAT for Parents
Understanding results
A video provides additional information on Understanding Your Child's Test Results.
This sample report provides definitions for each section.