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Young Explorers Presents The Power of Play

What is the Power of Play podcast?

The Young Explorers leadership team launched a new podcast, The Power of Play. Based on responses from last year’s parent interest survey, each podcast will highlight how play fosters an area of child development. You will hear from Young Explorers specialists, teachers, and even students. The podcast is available through the newsletter and wherever you download your podcasts.

Submit your questions

We want to hear your questions. If you have any questions or topics you'd like to learn more about, please let us know by submitting them to this survey and we will address them in one of our episodes.

Episode 1: Play and Cognition is Now Available!

In our first episode of The Power of Play, we talk about the role of play in the development of cognitive functions, such as problem-solving, memory, attention, and abstract thinking. Joining our host, early childhood teacher Jen Andersen, are school psychologist Maren Andersen, and early childhood teacher Sia Drakoulis...and some special little voices of our Young Explorers students!

Listen to the podcast now or

Find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Amazon Music (search Play-and-cognition the subscribe for future episodes!).

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