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Dr. Ginny Hiltz

Dr. Ginny Hiltz, a nine-year principal of Greenbriar School with more than 20 years of experience as an educator, has been appointed the new principal at Meadowbrook School for the 2025-26 school year, Superintendent Dr. Jason Pearson announced on Wednesday, Jan. 29. 

Dr. Hiltz brings to Meadowbrook a history of strong school leadership and a focus on developing a culture where students feel supported and experience success. This appointment, effective July 1,  will also allow for a seamless transition for both schools, allowing her the opportunity to support a new principal at Greenbriar. 

As a resident of Northbrook, Dr. Hiltz said she is fully invested in District 28 as a staff member, parent and community member. 

“This is a good opportunity to challenge myself with a new building and school community while staying in the district I care so much about. I look forward to getting acquainted with the staff and families at Meadowbrook and continuing to build on their success,” Dr. Hiltz said. “Greenbriar is in a really good place and it feels like the right time for a fresh perspective. By staying in the district, I will also be able to help with the transition.”

Dr. Hiltz’s background includes working as a 2nd-grade teacher and library media center director in Winnetka District 36 and serving in leadership positions at Galapagos Charter School in Chicago and Arlington Heights District 25. She earned a doctorate in educational philosophy and educational technology shortly after joining District 28.

During her time at Greenbriar, Dr. Hiltz implemented a therapy dog program that, as she says, brought the ‘most-loved staff member’ to school every day. Krieger, the Goldendoodle, will join her at Meadowbrook, but he will also spend time at Greenbriar and Westmoor visiting his friends during the next two years before he retires as a facility dog. 

Dr. Hiltz will work closely with Meadowbrook Interim Principals Dr. Heidi Wennstrom and Jeanne Banas during the Spring to begin planning for next year at Meadowbrook.  The principal vacancy at Greenbriar is posted on the district website and the selection and hiring process is underway to find the next principal for Greenbriar School.  


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