- Academics
Homework assignments are an important part of student learning. Teachers use homework to reinforce learned material, extend critical thinking, and practice or refine skills. Homework can be expected in most classes every day. This responsibility should be a priority. Students must manage their time and out-of-school participation in a fashion that helps with their success in school. (See also ACADEMIC INTEGRITY)
Some teachers give students the week’s assignments on Monday of each week. (You learn these procedures at the September Open House by checking teacher communication tools (Google Classroom, Google site, etc.) and by talking with your child.) Students also may contact classmates about assignments.
1. If your student is not well enough to do school work at home, they are allotted one day make-up time for each day absent from school to complete work assigned during the absence. Students should refer to teacher communication tools (online platforms) to obtain information when absent. Students are to self-advocate and talk directly to the teachers about absences and make up work promptly. Make a plan with the teacher.
2. For short-term absences (one to three days), if the student is well enough to do school work at home, it is suggested that the student call another student, check the teachers’ websites, or contact the teachers directly to get the daily assignments.
3. For three or more consecutive absences, parents may call the school office on the third day to request classroom handouts. The assignments will be ready to be picked up after 3:00 p.m. provided the parent has called the school before 9:30 a.m.
4. It is the student’s responsibility to hand in all make-up work to the appropriate teacher. Stuents are expected to complete your make-up work within the same number of days you were absent. For example, if you were absent for four days, complete your makeup work in no more than four school days.
If a student is confined to his/her home or a hospital because of health or physical impairment, please call the principal immediately. Students who meet the eligibility requirements will be referred. A school administrator and the social worker will make referrals for home/hospital instruction.