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Multilingual Learners

In District 28, we are committed to providing a learning experience that values a student’s native language and culture. It is our goal to support English language development in the areas of speaking, listening, and reading while also supporting a child’s social-emotional well-being.Across the district, we have multiple Multilingual teachers who are dedicated to supporting our students during individual, small group, and whole-class instruction. See the Multilingual Learners Teachers directory at left for an overview of our teaching staff.

Multilingual Identification

As part of the registration process in all districts, all families complete a form called the Home Language Survey to inform staff if there is another language spoken at home. If either question on the Home Language Survey is answered ‘yes’, a child is assessed to measure their English language proficiency. 

Students in kindergarten are assessed with the MODEL, and students in grades 1-8 are assessed with the WIDA Screener within 30 days after enrollment. 

The assessment results help the district identify students who may benefit from additional support and opportunities to build their language development and strategies to independently reach academic standards. The students receive individual scores for speaking, listening, reading, and writing. They also receive an overall composite score that combines the four scores. 

If a student in kindergarten receives an oral language composite score below 5.0, they are eligible to receive support and multilingual services. If a student in grades 1-8 receives an overall composite score below 4.8, he or she is eligible to receive additional support and multilingual services.

After a student is assessed, their parents will receive a letter with the assessment results and a recommended plan. If the student qualifies for multilingual services, the support they receive will be specific to their needs. Students will receive services in their general education classroom and/or in a small group to support their language development and academic growth. 

The goal of the support is to help students successfully and independently access learning in the general education classroom at high levels of social and academic English proficiency. The support is responsive to each student’s needs, and it discontinues when they demonstrate English language proficiency. 

ACCESS Testing

Each year, the district is required to formally assess the language proficiency level of students receiving multilingual services to determine if they continue to be eligible. In January & February, students in kindergarten through grade 8 are assessed with the ACCESS test. Students are assessed in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.  

At the beginning of the next school year, parents & guardians will receive a letter with the ACCESS results and a recommended plan. If a student receives an overall composite score at or above 4.8, they will exit the multilingual program. If a student receives an overall composite score below 4.8, they continue to be eligible to receive multilingual services.

ML Teachers & Assitants

Haesook Baek

Haesook Baek

Instructional Assistant for Multilingual Learners
Lis Collins

Lis Collins

Teacher of Multilingual Learners
Mara Corush

Mara Corush

Teacher of Multilingual Learners
Nicole Gas

Nicole Gas

Teacher of Multilingual Learners
Dexi Karabatsos

Dexi Karabatsos

Teacher of Multilingual Learners
Val Karabatsos

Val Karabatsos

Teacher of Multilingual Learners
Jasmine Myalil

Jasmine Myalil

Instructional Coach for Multilingual Learners
Susan Nordberg

Susan Nordberg

Instuctional Assistant for Multilingual Learners
Kalina Vnoucek

Kalina Vnoucek

Multilingual Teacher
Lauren Wittenberg

Lauren Wittenberg

Multilingual Instructional Specialist
Meadowbrook, Westmoor, NBJH, Greenbriar