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Board Members

Contact the Board Members

All board members can be contacted through a Board of Education group e-mail. The address is:

An e-mail message to this address is forwarded to every board member and the Superintendent. Please be advised that all e-mails sent to any current board member will be considered part of the public record and therefore may be subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). It is also important to note that Board members do not respond to emails individually.

As the Board's function is primarily policy-making, a resident who has questions about specific school functions or issues should contact the teacher or administrator closest to the situation. A resident who has questions about the operation of the school district should contact or call the Superintendent, Dr. Jason Pearson.

A resident who needs general information about the schools or the district should contact Communications Director Terry Ryan.

District office phone number is: 847-498-7900

Board Committees 

  • Buildings & Grounds: Beth Bazer & DeShawn Arms
  • Code of Conduct: DeShawn Arms
  • Finance: Matt Cassidy & Mara Silver-Schack
  • Negotiations: Jennifer Gallinson
  • Policy: Jennifer Gallinson & Adam Weinstock

External Committee Representatives

  • Legislation - ED-RED: Matt Cassidy
  • Illinois Association of School Boards: Matt Cassidy
  • TrueNorth Educational Cooperative 804: Christine Beeftink