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2023 Student Achievement Paces Well Above State, National Scores

Northbrook District 28 students demonstrate strong performance on the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) in both English language arts and mathematics, and outperform students nationally on the NWEA MAP assessment.

Assistant Superintendent Dr. Kris Raitzer and Director of Learning Michelle Jackson shared the annual assessment report with the Board of Education.

The district uses two main standardized tests that help evaluate teaching and learning. The IAR is state-mandated and measures a student's performance against defined criteria of proficiency. The other assessment is the nationally normed NWEA MAP assessment, which is given two to three times a year. 

The IAR results show districtwide performance scores of students meeting or exceeding state standards increased 23 percentage points over the last eight years in English language arts and 15 percentage points in math. The IAR scores are reported to the public in the Illinois School Report Cards, which were released Oct. 30.

The NWEA MAP assessment, given three times last year, adapts to each student’s skill level and knowledge. Scores are compared to all schools that participate across the country. Results are available quickly, so schools and teachers can adjust instructional strategies and provide specific students support as needed. Scores on the NWEA MAP assessments show between 70% and 80% of students are performing at the two highest quintiles whereas a typical district would have about 40% of students in the top two quintiles. District performance in the lowest quintiles is between 10% and 20% whereas a typical district would have 40%. Ms. Jackson said students performing in the lowest quintiles are monitored and provided additional support from interventionists when needed.

“We are proud of the students and teachers in this district. At the state level many schools are still working to rebound from the pandemic. That is not the case in District 28, which continued to grow through the pandemic and now we are well beyond that,” Ms. Jackson said.

View the 2023 Achievement Report